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Talent Tribute: Marsha Ngiruchelbad


Updated: May 1, 2024

Our Talent Tribute Monthly Feature is designed to celebrate the phenomenal staff that serve our Members.

Marsha Ngiruchelbad has been a dedicated member of the VALLEYLIFE team since being hired on as a DSP I in July of 1995. Prior to VALLEYLIFE, Marsha had worked for a nursing home until the loss of her car pushed her to seek out work that was closer to where she lived. Although she had never worked with individuals with disabilities before, VALLEYLIFE had a location that fit her commuting needs and still provided her the opportunity to serve others. Since then, she has been promoted four times, the most recent of which was her promotion to Senior Program Manager of the Day Program in 2023. Marsha grew up on the Island of Palau before moving to the United States in 1990. Before making Arizona her home, she also lived in California for about 4 years. In addition to being an exceptional colleague and hard worker, Marsha is also the proud mother of two sons and a daughter. Marsha lives by the motto: “Choose your battles, not all battles have to be won all the time.”

We asked Marsha some questions to learn more about her and her role.


Marsha with Members from DTA's 10 and 11

1. How would you describe your ideal day at VALLEYLIFE?

My ideal day is any day that everybody, especially each Member, is happy. When I come in, I want to make sure I help make the office as positive as I can. I try to make it a priority to visit and check up with as many Members as possible on a daily basis. If I don’t visit anybody on campus I feel like I didn’t do my part being here, so my ideal day is visiting everyone.


2. What has your time at VALLEYLIFE taught you over the years?

I think my career at VALLEYLIFE has taught me patience and open-mindedness. Before, I was either “It’s my way or the highway,” and I still struggle with that sometimes but now I take a step back and contemplate other people’s points of view.


3. Can you tell us what you enjoy most about interacting with Members?

I love it when I can see them smile. When I was working over at the Connolly Center, the Members over there were my buddies. I would always ask to see if any of them wanted to go on an outing with me, and the ones who did were always happy. I enjoyed that aspect of my job.


4. What skills or qualities do you think are most important for success in your position?

I think it is really important to be open to other ideas and potential criticism. I’ve found that when I’ve received criticism, it is constructive for me, I learn from it, and that ultimately makes me a better person.


5. Lastly, what do you hope to accomplish or learn in your future at VALLEYLIFE?

I really hope to continue to close the staffing gap in my department. My biggest fear is not having enough staff to support our Members, but I’ve been really happy with the staff I’ve been getting. I would love to grow the Day Program population, and to do that, we’d need more staff on hand to care for Members.


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