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Member Spotlight: Taylor R.


Member Spotlights are features that shine a spotlight on the Members we serve and provides an opportunity for them to share a little bit more about themselves.

Fast Facts:

Years at VALLEYLIFE: 8

Favorite VALLEYLIFE Activity: Holiday Party

Favorite Food: Pizza and Ramen Noodles

Favorite Color: Green

Interests: Watching Movies and listening to Pop and Christian music


Although it’s only been about 8 years since Taylor first came to VALLEYLIFE in 2016, he has become a positive source of energy within DTA 8. When he originally first started with the organization, Taylor was an active Member within the Vocational program, working with VALLEYLIFE partners SkyChef and Stardust Building Supplies, before making the shift to the Days Program exclusively.

Taylor and his best friend Joey K., who is also a Member of DTA 8, are known to be inseparable and are often referred to as “twins.” The pair have known each other since high school, and enjoy watching W.W.E. together. Taylor prides himself on his ability to set an example and feels especially proud to have been named one of August’s Members of the Month.

A fun fact about Taylor is that he is a big Marvel fan and even has a Captain America tattoo that he got as a birthday gift from a relative. He currently lives at home with his parents and enjoys taking family vacations with them to the beach and to Disney parks.


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